Tell me how to Create a Welcoming office reception?
By C ontemporary Interior Design –A write up by Newton InEx - Office Interior Design Experts You know in the colloquial language in Hindi one says ‘ Jo Dikhta Hai, Wo Biktha Hai ! Such an apt phrase to be used here! The front office or your reception area determines what kind of first impression you and your business enterprise makes onto your clients, vendors, interviewees and visitors. Carefully craft this area to be functional first, stylish and exuberating as the next step of thought and lastly thoroughly professional. One needs to make sure that the reception area design sends the right message and hence do take time to thoroughly plan each detail of this important aspect of your office space. The size of the reception area that you create will be in direct proportion to both the type and size of your business. The sophistication and associated cost of building a stylish reception area, versus a basic one will depend in largely on what happens in the business ...